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Cryptocurrency Investing Guide for Beginners: Tips and Strategies
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How to Invest in Cryptocurrency: A Guide for Beginners

While many people are scared to invest cryptocurrency, the truth is that investing in crypto can go both ways, depending on the investors approach. If the investor has done a significant research especially on cryptocurrency investing tips, this investment might be extremely rewarding. There are many platforms such as coinsmart  or coinbase where you can buy Bitcoin or other crypto currencies easily.

Below are some of the factors which need to be considered before investing in crypto.


When it involves money, it is important the thorough research is conducted. A beginner should ideally know that there is not a single kind of cryptocurrency available in the market and there is a variety of options available to choose from. Firstly, the purpose of crypto should be known which is to transfer value online beyond the involvement of the government or control of the banking sector. Moreover, the potential investor should have an idea of how the blockchain system works and how the technology functions to be hacked.

Verification of Data

As mentioned above, digital currencies are usually decentralized and thus, have no accountability or a proper check. This leaves the investor with the responsibility of doing a more in-depth research and look out for scams. When planning to invest in crypto, one is likely to come across many schemes, out of which many are fraud offerings and proper verification is required to stay away from such schemes.

Initiate from Small Steps

The risk factor in cryptocurrency remains, especially if you are a beginner and new to investing in crypto. Firstly, it is always recommended that you begin with investing in only one type of cryptocurrency. This will help one gauge the market better and practically know how the system works. Secondly, if you are investing the first time, you might now know much and might have to face a loss, thus, it is a basic cryptocurrency investing tip that one should invest only as much as they are ready to risk losing.

Trust your own Research

Everyone has their own financial needs and thus have to shape their individual investment plan. Which makes it important for individuals to carry out their own research which is tailored to their individual requirement. Thus, investment advisors as well as investment influencers might try to shape your financial plan according to their inclination, but it is always the best to build your own strategy based on your finances and your expectations on returns.

Get through with Patience

If you are investing in crypto or any other digital currency, patience is what you need to have. It is essential to understand that market swings may be unexpected and returns may take long to occur. Secondly, avoid making hasty decisions and the market is likely to take unexpected turns and it’s the best to observe the market trends before making a move.

Have a separate Email ID

As mentioned before, digital currencies are independent from government hold and thus, one cannot hold a single entity accountable incase things go south. One of the primary concerns when investing in crypto should be the security of privacy. So keeping all of this in mind, it is the best if a separate email ID is made to be used for investing in cryptocurrency so that other information is not left at the risk of being exposed.

Know about Cryptocurrency Wallets

Once you start getting returns on cryptocurrency investments, one can either store the amount in an online wallet or an offline one, depending on what fits your needs. If you are a beginner, online wallets will typically suit you the most because of their usability. They are easy to use and are almost like any other app that one can use for their daily transactions. Moreover, it blockchain wallets are comparatively more secure and breach of information is far less likely. Online wallets also have a very low transaction fee and can be operated across wide areas in terms of geography and other types of cryptocurrency systems. However, one might prefer offline wallet due to the fear of computer failure or theft. One of the biggest edges that offline wallets have is that they can’t be reached through internet, making them a safe option.

Cryptocurrency Taxes

As crypto and other currencies are not a regulated practice in most of the countries, these activities might be subject to heavy taxes. It is important to red up and research about the taxes levied on investing in crypto and check if such investments are even feasible or not. For a better insight into the taxes on your crypto investments, there are several calculators available on the internet to help you gauge the exact amount that you’ll be paying on selling and/or exchanging crypto.

Monitoring your investment

One just cannot invest and not turn back to see the performance of their investments. It is very important to compare your crypto investments against market trends to see how well your investments are doing. If not, it is always suggested to sell off your investment if required.

Investment Security

Be extra vigilant when it comes to the security of your crypto investments. There are three basic steps that you can take to ensure this. Firstly, you can choose your wallet carefully and according to the security level you require; it could be online or offline wallet to suit your needs. Secondly, it is always better to have a two factor authentication on your crypto investments in order to have a greater control over the accessibility. Lastly, do make sure that all your private keys are secure.

Stay Updated

Cryptocurrency is an industry which just keeps of changing for the better over time and is never stagnant. It is imperative that you keep up with the changes if you are an investor or might potentially invest in the future. To maximize gains, it is imperative that you stay on top of the game and well aware of what’s happening in to crypto world. This has become very easy with latest news, blogs posts from the gurus and several communities helping each other continuously.


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